Puketapu to Taradale to Ahuriri - Pub, Gin & Winery Ride (32km)

Puketapu to Taradale to Ahuriri - Pub, Gin & Winery Ride (32km)

A very diverse cycle, featuring 4 wineries, 2 gin bars and 2 pubs 26km - shuttle leaves at 12pm every day. Your adventure starts with a shuttle to Taradale and you route find your way back to Ahuriri by 5pm.

  • Dauer: 5 Stunden (ca.)
Ab NZD 75,00 NZ$
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Sip, Cycle, Soak package with Ocean Spa (self-guided on e-bikes)

Sip, Cycle, Soak package with Ocean Spa (self-guided on e-bikes)

Package Deal with Ocean Spa - hotpools includes breakfast at Ocean Spa, e-bike hire so you can ride a 20-30km loop, plus a hot soak in the pools when you return!

  • Dauer: 4 Stunden (ca.)
Ab NZD 140,00 NZ$
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